RAPTbaby Smarter Sleep Sound Machine Sound machines are essential for newborns, but the neuroscientist who designed the RAPTbaby machine, Dr. April Benasich, is passionate about educating parents that white noise is not the safest option for their children, therefore...
October 10, 2023 – “This sound machine features 8 neuroscientist-designed soundtracks to choose from (classical, lullaby, nature, and womb) and can be set for 30, 60, 90 minutes, or even continuous play.” For the full roundup, see the feature...
August 11, 2023 – Even when they are asleep, the sounds babies hear play a big role in language development, especially for babies at risk of language delays, according to a new study. See the feature from Futurity...
August 6, 2023 – Experts recommend sound machines for helping babies sleep better and this one is the first to also help them sleep smarter. For the full roundup, see the feature from Forbes...
July 23, 3023 – “there is a rise in research and scientists showing that white noise could potentially be negatively affecting human brain development, especially in infancy.” See the feature from Salon...
June 30, 2023 – Although it’s well-known that music and speech boost babies’ ability to learn, there’s robust evidence that certain brief auditory cues in an infant’s environments are analyzed by the developing brain and used to guide the...