What Are Phonemes?
Phonemes are the most basic units of sound that distinguish one word from another in a given language, and every language has its own set.
Welcome to Our Second Neuroscience in the Nursery Newsletter!
In this issue, we are describing how the young brain’s auditory…
Do Babies Have REM Sleep?
Yes, they do! Half of the time that infants sleep is spent as REM sleep.
Baby Talking Your Baby Is Not The Thing!
Your baby should be learning speech from you, not the other way around – so ditch baby talk for parentese!
What’s Critical About A Critical Period?
The sounds babies hear during sleep have a huge impact on their brains. Here’s why.
White Noise for Children’s Sleep: A Neuroscientist’s Perspective
Welcome to our first Neuroscience in the Nursery newsletter! In every issue, we will be bringing you insights into child development from scientists who are doing cutting-edge research…