It may seem incredibly retro for a high-tech state like Cali to push kids largely raised as digital natives into learning cursive. Like, who handwrites anything these days? But, as a recent article from the BBC points out, the physical act of committing letters and...
APRIL 2024 Neuroscience in the Nursery A year in on the launch of our first product, we have a lot to be grateful for, a lot we have learned, and a lot more to do (including raising the money to fund those plans!). For all of you with children who have benefited from...
That’s the last thing any sleep-deprived parent wants to hear. While we can’t give you back that one precious hour of sleep, we do have an easy tip to help you and yours make the jump to life in daylight savings any time it occurs. Here’s...
MARCH 2024 Neuroscience in the Nursery Times are anxious enough (geopolitical turmoil! inflation! El Nino-driven chocolate shortages!!) without having to stress about the environment you’re raising your child in. Sorry, but you do have to worry (a little) about...
Not according to the Academy of Sleep Sciences! A 2018 article in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the official publication of the Academy of Sleep Sciences, recommended that babies should receive “essentially no light exposure at night.” Let’s...